
Shall We Move?

My husband likes to say that we live in the devil's armpit. Others call it Phoenix. Whatever you call it, it is hot - really, really hot - for at least half of the year. We've decided to move before summer - not an easy task when faced with a house we need to sell in a depressed real estate market. We unfortunately live in a subdivision with multiple models of our exact home in foreclosure, which means we would be competing with houses selling at 80% the market price.

This blog will explore our quest to get out of the heat - how to juggle finances, house hunting, decorating, and any other issues that come up along the way. I don't know why I'm doing this...maybe I just think it will be cool to look back after all is said and done and see how far we've come. Or maybe I'll be saying, "What were you thinking!" Either way, it should be an adventure.

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