First up: A 20 year old house on 1/3 acre with more code violations than we could count!
Love the way the microwave covers up half the pass through window!
The insides were ok (the kitchen being the best of the bunch), but not worth fighting over. The big draw? This house is on 5 acres!
The cookie cutter house in a big development (with high HOA fees). Typical cookie cutter.
I think I like black and white kitchens...something to keep in mind. But this one...a little small.
This next one was located up the side of a hill (we had to take a uneven dirt road to get there). The house in on 3 acres, but none of it is usable since it is on the side of a hill (not a flat piece in sight beyond the house). And it is way beyond our budget.
But check out that view of Mingus Mountain.
I wish I could show you what the next house looks like (flat roofed Santa Fe style), but I was too distracted by the cacti emblazoned on the front.
And I wish I could show you more of the insides, but I was too distracted by that bright green wall. These homeowners are certainly not afraid of using some color! (The pink room was a classic too!)
Lastly, there was the family-built gem which had awesome landscaping (on 2 acres). The insides are certainly unique: a spiral staircase to a loft, a staircase to the basement about as wide as me, old linoleum floors, lots of code violations...
A beautiful wrap-around deck.
We did find one more that we're considering, so I'll post more on that later.
Wish us more happy hunting!
On the way up to the house on the side of a hill it was super bumpy. Alice the entire time was yelling out, "This is my favorite part, this is my favorite part." Hilarious.